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Tabriz Gostaresh Hotel

Tabriz city, Abersan square

Beautiful view to all parts of the city, proximity to historical and touristic attractions such as Azerbaijan Museum, Blue Mosque ready to welcome its dear guests

Easy access to tourist attractions such as Zandiyeh, Shahcheragh, Hafiziyeh, Saadiyeh, Bagh Eram, and shopping centers is one of the special advantages of this hotel.

Isfahan Abbasi Hotel

Chahar Bagh Abbasi - Amadgah St

The exceptional and beautiful view of the garden and the turquoise dome of Chaharbagh School bring a unique view to the rooms overlooking the garden. Qajar and Safavid architectural style in some suites is one of the interior design elements that can be found in a few hotels in the world.

Isfahan Part Hotel

Chahar Bagh Abbasi Street - Jahan Ara Alley

Part Hotel in the heart of the beautiful city of Isfahan is one of the great 3-star hotels that you can choose and enjoy your trip.

Tehran Espinas Palace Hotel

Yadgar Imam Highway, Saadat Abad, Payam Blvd, Behroud Square, Abedi St, 33 Alley, Tehran, Iran

Tehran Espinas Palace Hotel is a luxurious and beautiful Hotel with a nice view and is ready to welcome its guests by providing special facilities and services that are unique.

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