SELECT wp_posts.*, 1 rooms_available, 0 rooms_booked , IFNULL((SELECT price_meta2.meta_value + 0 FROM wp_postmeta price_meta2 WHERE price_meta2.post_id=wp_posts.ID AND price_meta2.meta_key='_accommodation_min_price:2024-10-05:2026-10-05' LIMIT 1), 0) accommodation_price , IFNULL((SELECT price_meta3.meta_value + 0 FROM wp_postmeta price_meta3 WHERE price_meta3.post_id=wp_posts.ID AND price_meta3.meta_key='accommodation_static_from_price' LIMIT 1), 0) accommodation_static_price
FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON ( wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id )
( wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'accommodation_location_post_id' AND wp_postmeta.meta_value IN ('3078') )
) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'accommodation' AND ((wp_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
GROUP BY wp_posts.ID HAVING 1=1
ORDER BY wp_posts.post_title ASC
Zanjan Dadamaan Hotel
Enghelab Square, South Saadi St., Chamani Alley, 3rd Dead-end Alley
Dadamaan traditional hotel is one of the oldest and most central parts of Zanjan. This beautiful hotel is the only traditional hotel in Zanjan province, and the building of this hotel is more than 200 years old.
Zanjan Park Hotel
Zanjan - Azadi Square
Zanjan Park Hotel is located in the heart of the city, near business centers and tourist attractions, and is one of the oldest hotels in this province.
Zanjan Sepehr Hotel
Zanjan – at the beginning of Gavazang Road - Sepehr Hotel
Zanjan Sepehr Hotel was built in2001. This hotel has 32 suites on 7 floors equipped with appropriate and desirable equipment and amenities.
Unfortunately no tours were found.
Unfortunately no cruises were found.
Unfortunately no car rentals were found.